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Using third-party accounts to log in (Google, Apple, Microsoft)

Nebo offers users the option of signing in to your MyScript account with Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

Using Apple's private email relay service

When you sign in with Apple for the first time, you can decide to share or hide your email. If you select "Hide my email", you will be assigned a random and unique email address that can be difficult to remember.

If your colleagues intend to share their Nebo notes with you, the simplest option is to select "Public sharing" so that they don't need to know or enter your relay address.

Alternatively, you can copy your relay email address from your MyScript account settings under Security and send it to your team so that they can privately share their notes with you.

Unlink account

You can unlink the third-party authentication at any time. In this case, you will need to connect again with the service using the same email address or select "I forgot my password" to set a new password and then sign in with your email and new password.

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