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Note Section

A freeform section lets you write and draw freely in a defined section within a regular Nebo page. You can add photos to a note section, ready for annotation. It’s also possible to create a full note page.

Add a note section

There are three ways to add a note section to a regular Nebo page:

  1. Tap + in the upper right corner of the screen, then select Note.
  2. Long press anywhere on the page and select Add section.
  3. Draw a line from left to right across the page.

Using a note section

You’re free to write or draw anywhere in the section. Use the blue sizing handles at the top and bottom of the section to adjust its size.

Add images to a note page

  1. Long press anywhere in the section. A contextual menu displays, showing the options available.
  2. Select Add object.
  3. To use your device’s camera to take a new photo to add to your section, select Camera. To add an image from your device’s photo album, select Image.
  4. Use the sizing handles to resize the image as needed.
  5. Use your finger to move the image to the desired position via drag-and-drop. 
  6. You can annotate freely on and around the image.

Rearrange content by adding or removing vertical space

  1. Within the section, long-press where you would like to add or remove vertical space. A contextual menu displays.
  2. Select Adjust space. A horizontal blue line displays.
  3. Use your finger to drag the blue line up or down to adjust the vertical space. 

The content within the section will automatically reflow as you add or remove space.

Manage or reuse note content

  1. Tap the lasso icon at the top of the page.
  2. Use the lasso to define the content within your note section that you would like to manage. A contextual menu displays, showing some or all of the following options:


Copy the selected content to the clipboard. Your content won’t convert or remain editable when pasted into other apps.

    Copy as...

Copy the selected content as convertible text, math or diagram, or as a Nebo sketch object (where applicable). Text, math, and diagram content will remain convertible when pasted to a regular Nebo page, and will automatically convert when pasted into another app.


Adjust the size of the selected content.


Remove the selected content.

Select the desired option.

Manage a note section

  1. Tap the note section to select it. When selected, the section will be shaded blue.
  2. Tap in the upper right corner of the section. The section menu displays, showing the options available:


Create a copy of the section that you can paste into another Nebo page or another app.


Remove the section from the current page while creating a copy that you can paste into another Nebo page or another app.


Remove the section without creating a copy.

Select the desired option.

Rotate beautified shapes in a Note section

  1. Draw your shape, ensuring you hold the pen against the page until it beautifies.
  2. Tap on the shape.
  3. Use the rotation arrow to adjust the shape to your preferred angle.
  4. Always add text to the shape only after you've finalized its rotation
  5. Beautified shapes can be rotated in Note pages, Note sections, and Diagram objects.

For more information of creating and managing shapes and connectors on a page see here: Creating shapes on a note page

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