Activating the keyboard on a notebookor a board:
The Tap for keyboard feature can be deactivated by selecting the three dots in the top right corner of the screen >Advanced > Tap for keyboard - toggle on / off | |
Converting handwritten text to typed font:
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Managing typed or converted text with the lasso:After handwriting on the page, you have a number of options available to manage the text:
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Managing typed or converted text with a finger tap:A finger tap will enable the text management options available with the lasso, but with the extra options: Style and List.
Note: Finger tap to format is not available on handwritten text. | |
Using the keyboard to type.
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Alignment guides to align text precisely on the page are available for converted text.
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Resizing your handwritten textTo resize typed font, tap or lasso the text and select Resize using your pen or finger to adjust. The font size is displayed. This is not available with handwritten text. |
Keyboard and text conversion on a Notebook and a Board
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