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Importing and managing images

You can annotate any imported photos and images directly. However, ensure you've positioned and rotated the image to its desired location on the page before adding your annotations.

For detailed insights on image rotation, refer to this guide.

Adding an Image to a PDF:

  1. Long-press anywhere on the page.
  2. Choose either 'Camera' or 'Image' from the pop-up menu. 
    • Camera: Captures and inserts an image instantly. 
    • Image: Access your device photo album and select your desired image.
  3. Resize or reposition by tapping the image. Use the rotation arrow beneath to adjust orientation.
  4. The options to 'Cut', 'Copy', and 'Delete' are accessible by tapping the image. While 'Cut/Copy' lets you replicate or move the image in the current PDF or within your library, 'Delete' will permanently remove it.

Adding an Image to a Document:

  1. Long-press on the page.
  2. Select 'Add object' > 'Camera' or 'Image'.
  3. Select an image from the album or capture instantly using the camera.
  4. Adjust size by tapping on the image.
  5. Images in Documents can only rotate within a Note section.To create one: 
    • Long-press on the page > 'Add section', or,
    • Draw a horizontal line across the page to form the section. 
    • To add an image: Long-press inside the section > 'Add object' > 'Camera' or 'Image'. 
    • Add the image, then tap to resize or rotate.
  6. The options to 'Cut', 'Copy', and 'Delete' are accessible by tapping the image. While 'Cut/Copy' lets you replicate or move the image in the current Document or within your library, 'Delete' will permanently remove it.
  7. NB: Images copied and pasted from other pages into a Document page will be automatically added to a Note section.

Adding an Image to a Note:

  1. Long-press anywhere on the page.
  2. Choose 'Add object' > 'Camera' or 'Image'.
  3. Select or capture the image.
  4. Tap the image to adjust size or orientation.
  5. Additional options such as 'Cut', 'Copy', and 'Delete' can be accessed by tapping on the image. Remember, deleting the image is irreversible.

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