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How to import files as PDFs

You can import PDF, .docx or .pptx files into Nebo as PDFs – either directly from the app or from another location, like another app or a folder on your device. Nebo supports the import of a single PDF at a time. Importing multiple PDFs or batch PDFs simultaneously is not possible. 

⚠️ Password-protected PDFs cannot be imported into Nebo at the current time.

ℹ️ Nebo users on iPad: When using the free version of Nebo, an imported PDF file will count as one page, regardless of the number of pages it contains.

To import a PDF directly from Nebo:

  1. Open the notebook where you want to import the PDF.
  2. Tap "Add ➕" or  in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select "Import as PDF..." from the menu.
  4. Browse your device and select the file you want to import.
    The PDF will be imported and displayed as a thumbnail alongside the other pages in the notebook.

To import a PDF into Nebo from another location:

  1. Access the PDF, .docx or .pptx file you want to import via a third-party app or a folder on your device.
  2. Touch and hold the file thumbnail to display your device's Share menu.
  3. Select Share or Open with to display a list of apps.
  4. Tap the Nebo icon to open the PDF in Nebo.
    The Import PDF pop-up will display.
  5. Choose the notebook where you want to import the file.
    If the desired notebook isn't visible, use the scrollbar to search for it.
    ⚠️ You can't create a new notebook via the Import PDF pop-up. To import a file into a new notebook, create the notebook in Nebo before importing the file.
  6. Select Import.
    The PDF will be imported and displayed as a thumbnail alongside the other pages in the notebook.
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