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How to use Nebo

This page provides a step-by-step guide to Nebo and links to relevant support articles, ensuring you understand and maximize the app's potential.

Basic Interactions

Basic interactions are available in Nebo Documents that allow you to create and edit content effortlessly.

Nebo Documents

Create structured, text-based content in Nebo Documents that are fully responsive and offer the world's most accurate write-to-text conversion.

Nebo Notes

Write and draw freely with no constraints on placement or structure.

Imported PDFs

Import PDF files or Word and PowerPoint files into your Nebo notebooks as PDFs.


Using a virtual or physical keyboard when note-taking.


Adding a diagram object to a Nebo document.


Add a math object to a Nebo Document to make calculations and show your work as handwritten text or converted to typed font.

Manage pages

Quickly search your notebooks or organize your content within your Nebo library.


Export your pages and publish them to the web so that you can easily share your content.
Copy handwritten or converted text from Nebo to any other app or paste from other apps into Nebo

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